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1 Asst. Prof., Dr., Microbiology, Technology and Science Dept., Ranyah University College, Taif University, KSA.
2 Asst. Prof., Physics, Technology and Science Dept., Ranyah University College, Taif University, KSA
*Corresponding Author: Sherifa Mostafa M. Sabra. Asst. Prof., Dr., Microbiology, Technology and Science Dept., Ranyah University College, Taif University, KSA.
Citation: Sherifa M. M. Sabra and Somia E. A. Ahmad (2021) Individuals' Expectations Once Coronavirus Vaccine Successful and Available in Saudi Society. J, Biotechnology and Bioprocessing 2(1); DOI: 10.31579/2766-2314/016
Copyright: © 2021, Sherifa Mostafa M. Sabra, This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Received: 13 December 2021 | Accepted: 15 December 2021 | Published: 02 January 2021
Keywords: coronavirus vaccine; saudi-society; coronavirus pandemic; coronavirus infection; public health; questionnaire
This paper was for "Individuals' Expectations Once Coronavirus Vaccine (CVV) Successful and Available in Saudi Society (SS)". The aim was for review community member's opinion importance during the Coronavirus pandemic (CVP), obtaining Coronavirus infection (CVI) protection, thereby reducing CVI, protection, and maintaining the public health (PH) in SS, that used as survey by questionnaire in SS. The results showed all participating < 20*yr were 40% and > 20yr were 60%, the women were 50% equal to men 50% participating. The participants 85.5% stated about the difficulty of the CVP period. It was 83.5% of the participants agreed prefer a CVV if it is available. That cleared 38.5% agreed on the presence of the CVV for protection a period of six months only. That was 72.5% they want and prefer for the protection of the CVV be for a period of one year. So appeared 52.5% agreed to buy the vaccine from his own money. It was 85.5% of the participants confirmed to protect family members by using the CVV if it is available; also 85.5% strongly affirm that individual members of SS must take the CVV, if it is available. That presented 47.5% of the participants confirmed the use of the CVV if it is available and even if it had side effects. That concluded CVV presence important for individuals to CVI protect and affect life in SS. Recommended the CVV important to protect against CVI and must be dealt with when its quality and use in SS and worldwide.
CH: Community health, CVI: Coronavirus infection, CVP: Coronavirus pandemic, CVV: Coronavirus vaccine, IH: Individual health, PH: Public health, SH: Saudi health, SS: Saudi society.
Community insight to COVID-19 vaccine (CCV) receipt is not obtainable; as well, many studies exposed numerous factors accountable for receipt when an innovative presented [1]. It must comprise care and effectiveness, opposing health outcomes, fallacies about the vaccination need, absence of health faith system, and lack of community knowledge on vaccine-preventable diseases [2]. Vaccination used for pandemic preventing and evading complications disease associated. At all many studies, showed decision to take available vaccines which relation on beliefs and insights [3]. Misrepresentation foremost vaccine irresolution could put public health at danger in current disaster responding. Few studies explored the occurrence of vaccine receipt, and their causes. In China, health care worker showed a high vaccination receipt in contrast to the over-all populace [4]. In United States, reported 20% intend to vaccine failure [5], add to all vaccines did not reach the health care centers [6]. Consequently, universal worry regarding community acceptance of an eventual vaccine had increasing [4]. A recently appraisal established vaccine receipt at the worldwide setting [7]. In Saudi Arabia, vaccine expected to face important public indecision given the current public of cyclical influenza vaccination [8]. In United States, the receipt degree reported 64% and was 56.1% in United Kingdom [9]. During 2020, SS showed 64.72% vaccine accept interest if it is available, while 79.2% of them attention presented to vaccine uptake if it is obtainable. As well, married persons 1.79 times were vaccination acceptation. From participants, 64.7% were agree to vaccine uptake, as there conducted in China and United States [10]. Anywhere the Chinese 72.5% were general populace’s meaning to uptake vaccine [4], while in United States reported 80% receipt vaccine amongst study populace [5]. Still at 2020, SS were 44.7% putative vaccination if available; worries about side possessions were the key barrier for receipt. While refuter's will receive if additional, studies recognized care and competence. Vaccine were safety 55.4% and efficiency 56.1% when obtainable, 46% decided to get problems evading. One third had positive government vaccination. That was in high-risk included >60 years old, MOH employee, strangers devoted, cookery or chronic diseases. Refuses 63.9% indicated would agree established care and effectiveness. Moreover, 44% of vaccine refuses will agree if made compulsory by the government but only 11% if made compulsory by employers. One-fifth refuter's would accept if voting physicians, also 17.8% would not vaccine taking under any cited circumstances. Cross-sectional study represented community receipt and politics vaccination during the pandemic before vaccine obtainability [11].
The aim of this research is for individuals' expectations once CVV successful and available in SS, that expectations in terms of its importance to review the opinion of community members during the CVP. That to obtain protection from CVI, thereby reducing CVI and protection from infection, and maintaining the PH including IH and CH that form protection of SS.
20*yr were 40% and > 20yr were 60%, from the presence of the CVV because it affected the CH in SS and the rest of the various areas of society [10-11]. The second question, "Gender", the women were 50% equal to the men 50% participating in the questionnaire, and this indicated the importance of having a CVV for them and their family and community if it is available [10-11]. The third question, "The stage of Corona pandemic is difficult", it cleared that more than three-quarters 85.5% of the participants stated about the difficulty of the CVP period and the extent of health conditions and penalties and their implementation in the SS to reduce CVI [10-11]. The fourth question, "Prefer a vaccine for the Coronavirus", it was found that more than four-fifths 83.5% of the participants agreed on the existence and availability of the CVV, indicating the importance of that to protect individuals and the SS from CVI, maintain CH, and address health and other damages caused by the CVP [3-4, 10-11]. The fifth question, "You agree to vaccine protection for only six months", that was found, less than half 38.5% agreed on the presence of the CVV for protection a period of six months only. This indicated that individuals want to protect from the CVI for a period of more than six months to ensure CVI does not spread and preserves the IH in SS and community reform after the CVP [2-5, 10-11]. The sixth question, "You agree to vaccine protection for one year", result found about three-quarters 72.5% of agrees, because they want and prefer for the protection of the CVV be for a period of one year. Where the best period of protection from CVI. The protection of SH for the longest period, and PH in the development, activity and compensation for damage and losses [2-5, 10-11]. The seventh question, "You buy the vaccine on your own account if it is not available", where more than half 52.5% agreed to buy the vaccine from his own money. As occurred, this affects individuals and poverty protection from CVI as soon as possible, even if the individual costs it in order to practice a normal life for him and his family [2-5, 10-11]. The eighth question, "Prefer to use the vaccine for all family members", so all more than four-fifths 85.5% of the participants confirmed that, he wanted to protect his family members by using the CVV if it was available to protect them. That used will protect from CVI and life would return to its normal course [10-11]. The ninth question, "Prefer to use the vaccine for all members of society", also showed, more than four-fifths 85.5% strongly affirm that individual members of SS must take the CVV, if it is available. That in order to protect PH in the SS, to preserve society, compensate for losses, and ease life in the country [10-11]. The tenth question, "Use the available vaccine even if it has some side effects", that presented about half 47.5% of the participants confirmed the use of the CVV if it is available and even if it had side effects. That clearly despite they confirmed the approval of the use to protect healthy life in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which will protect individuals and families in SS, so all will return life to its normal course in all activities and specialties [10-11].
That concluded from this research how important the presence of CVV is for individuals to protect against CVI and affect life in SS.
That state recommended the CVV is important to protect against the CVI and must be dealt with when its quality and use in SS and worldwide. We hope to do the next research into the extent of the presence and effect of the CVV on the SS through its use and period of protection on SH.
Sending thanks to all the survey participants and the student, "Nora Muhammad S. M. Al-Subaie", from "Technology and Science Dept., Ranyah University College, Taif University, KSA". They contributed to the questionnaire stepping and answering to produce this research.